SaferCheckout: Fraud prevention plugin for WooCommerce stores.

SaferCheckout is a powerful security plugin to protect your WooCommerce store from fraudulent transactions. It offers several advanced and unique features as well as customizable rules to filter every order during the checkout process: email address, IP address, geolocation, order, customer, payment method and many more.


  • High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatibility.
  • Block-based checkout compatibility.
  • Customizable fraud risk levels.
  • Multiple whitelists and blacklists.
  • Advanced detection.
  • Suspicious bot detection.
  • Configuration import & export.
  • Simulation mode.
  • Lightweight software.
  • GDPR compliant.

Protecting your WooCommerce store has never been so easy!


7-day free trial: SaferCheckout for WooCommerce stores