Blocking a WordPress XML-RPC attack with the Linux kernel firewall.
One of our customers faced a large attack against his WordPress blog xmlrpc.php script. When I connected to his server, the CPU load was over 100.…
The Ninja Technologies Network
One of our customers faced a large attack against his WordPress blog xmlrpc.php script. When I connected to his server, the CPU load was over 100.…
NinTechNet identified multiple XSS vulnerabilities in the All In One WP Security & Firewall v4.0.7 plugin. The affected parameter was ‘tab’ (all pages): /wp-admin/admin.php?page=aiowpsec&tab=[XSS] /wp-admin/admin.php?page=aiowpsec_settings&tab=[XSS] /wp-admin/admin.php?page=aiowpsec_useracc&tab=[XSS]…
This article covers the steps to follow if you want to upgrade from the free NinjaFirewall WP or Pro Edition to the WP+ or Pro+ Edition.…
NinjaFirewall (Pro/Pro+ Edition) can use an optional configuration file that allows users to prepend their own PHP code to the firewall.
NinjaFirewall (WP/WP+ Edition) can use an optional configuration file that allows users to prepend their own PHP code to the firewall.